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Approaching customers


Our approach is the first contact we have with the customer, and we want to make it a welcoming and friendly experience that sets a positive tone for the interaction.


Key points

Q: What are the best ways to approach a customer?

A: Smile and make eye contact at ten feet | Say "Hello" and introduce yourself at five feet | Ask how you can help


Q: How should you interact with your customer?

A: Give the customer your full attention | Ask questions to understand their situation | Listen carefully


Q: What extra steps can you take to make it an excellent experience?

A: Thank them for their business at the end of the interaction | Keep it friendly and respectful | Stay positive | Remember to use their name when appropriate


Wrap up

Approach your customer and welcome them. Make this first impression the best it can be, and let the customer know that you are here to make them and their experience a success.

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