Freeman is committed to a goal of zero waste. Waste can be anything - resources, energy, time, and money - and there are steps that you can take to help this event reduce waste and be more sustainable.
Key points
Avoiding wasted materials helps to save money and prevents unnecessary trash.
Take enough material to handle the job you are working on, but also be sure to bring back any partial rolls of tape, Visqueen, shrink-wrap, bubble wrap, banding, etc.
Protective packaging such as cardboard corners and slip sheets should be saved for repacking.
Be mindful of small parts and hardware from MIS, Flex, Smart Panels, and Smart Counters. All loose parts should be returned to your supervisor if not needed to install the item that you're working on. Be especially careful to collect all loose parts and hardware during dismantle.
Treat Freeman-owned tools and ladders as if they were your own. Safeguard them against theft and return them at the end of the job or the end of the day.
Report any need for maintenance to tools, ladders, scooters, and other Freeman equipment to your supervisor.
Wrap up
We are constantly innovating to increase the environmental friendliness of the events we work on, and incorporating these best practices in our standard operating procedures to enhance sustainability at every event.