Prioritizing customers
Focus on balancing your workload without compromising your #1 priority – supporting our customers.
Key points
Q: What are some ways to manage multiple customers with your heavy workload?
A: Take a breath | Listen | Provide solutions | Set expectations | Ask your team for help
Q: What’s the impact of not giving customers your full attention?
A: They may get frustrated | May complain | Won’t return | Work with someone else | Mistakes occur
Q: What extra steps can you take to make it an even better experience?
A: Follow up | Say thank you | Exceed expectations | Offer additional assistance | Ask your leader to check on them to make sure they’re happy
Wrap up
We know you’re busy, and we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. No matter what, the customer has to come first, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.